How To Face Life's Storms and Strengthen Your Faith

Perhaps you are facing a storm right now in your life and you are feeling hopeless.  Maybe this challenge is too much to handle and you can't see a way out.  I know.  I understand.  I have been in the midst of many storms and have felt this burden and hopelessness.  As the storm is raging, this feeling of defeat looms. We all face challenges in our lives.  Losing a spouse, a child, a parent, a sibling, the ending of a marriage, being a victim of abuse, struggling with mental health or addiction.  Whatever your challenge, whatever your storm, God is near.  In fact, the bible states:

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8
It is in the eye of the storm that we must lean into God, remembering His goodness and His light. When we are facing a storm, there are three things we can do to help us through it.  In time, the pain we are feeling will subside: 

1. Spend time with God - PRAY and Surrender

When I was going through my last storm, I started my day with prayer, finding things to thank God for and praising Him for all that He had already done for me.  I prayed for protection for my family and myself.  I asked God for a good day and for the strength to meet the day.  This is a practice I continue because it grounds me and helps me keep my eyes on our Father.

Throughout the day, when I am feeling weak, I talk to God and ask Him to be near and help me.

Then I end the day with prayer thanking our Father for the good that happened and for a restful sleep.

Leaning into God has helped me get through the toughest storms of my life. 

Give your hopelessness to God,

2. Meditate on God's promises 

Read God's word. His promises are clearly stated in the Bible. We, as Christians, must remember God's promises.  He has a plan for our lives - a good, good plan.

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

3. Find your angels

During my recent storm, I joined a church group where I got help and support.  My amazing women's group listened and prayed for me.  My close friends and family also gave me comfort. These were my angels during my storms.  God also put people in my life at this very time to give me hope.  

I have a friend at work, who gave me comfort and hope in my darkest moment.  Funny how I only saw him occasionally as he works in the evenings and I during the day.  But God knew I needed him that day and when he asked me how I was, I broke down and cried.  After listening to my story, he said, "Do not give up hope.  God is good.  I want you to read Psalm 121 and Psalm 91. Meditate on these tonight." So that night I read each Psalm three times and after that, slept like a baby, after a week of not sleeping.  It was the beginning of my recovery from my storm and I still call my friend, my guardian angel.

Your storm is temporary.  God will help you through it and the sun will shine again.  That is His promise.  Look for His miracles.  They are coming to you.

Written by

Anne Alvares, Parent Coach, School Counsellor, Mom of Two


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