Do You Believe in Coincidences?

My life has been a rocky road for the last 4 years and during this time I decided to lean into God's goodness and grace.  I have also lamented, "Why me, when I have been so faithful?  Why do you still give me these burdens, Father?" 

God reminded me that His presence here on earth is real.  On my darkest day, when I had no hope, no energy, and no sleep, I left my work depleted and completely drained.  As I was leaving, I ran into a colleague I had not seen in months.  He asked me how I was and right there in the middle of the hallway, I began to cry and tell him my story.  Well, I truly believe God sent  him to me that day because his words gave me hope.  I still call him my guardian angel. That day was the start of my healing.  

So many other times God has put people in my life who share the pain I had, or people I can give comfort to because their story is my story.  God works through people.  So He will send people your way to help you heal, to give you hope, and to give you direction.

Often times, I ask God to give me direction in my business.  I'm not a business woman but I feel the call to do this from our heavenly Father.  The heavenly push to do this business is so strong, I can't ignore it.  God is giving me confidence to do it and I ask for His guidance often.  Then he put another passionate believer into my life.  I call her my divine sister because both of us are called to help parents.  I look to Him to help me connect with my people who I am chosen to help.

Many people forget that the spirit world is here on earth.  There is a presence that is so great and powerful and when we believe in this heavenly force, we know we are not alone and we have the power of heaven accessible to us.  We can call on this power anytime.

This power is already ours.  Victory is already ours.  That's God promise.

I don't believe in coincidences.  I'm always looking for the heavenly help, the direction and the hope that God is giving me.  I am always looking for the miracles God is sending my way.

I urge you to look for your miracles, too.  God will send them to you.  I know this for sure.  Lean into His power and His presence and you will also see your miracles.



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